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Corporate Social Responsbility

Prodot recognizes the significance of giving back to society and is thus committed to doing so through innovative CSR initiatives. Their role aims to empower communities through sustainability efforts, sanitation and clean hygiene practices, and skill-building training programs that will enable individuals to become self-sustaining members of society. This is especially aimed at improving livelihood by creating employment opportunities for the marginalized section of society. Use of environment-aligned best practices is paramount to reinforce their dedication to environmental responsibility. In these ways, Prodot hopes to bring about some measure of socio-economic development to India, reflecting their highest values in integrity, innovation, and social welfare.

Initiatives from the CSR program of Prodot


Prodot Worked Upon An Abandoned Land In Delhi, Planted It With The Most Beautiful Little 100-150 Saplings To Give Our Input For Environmental Upliftment And Creating A Greener Atmosphere Around.

Blood Donation

Save Lives, Enhance Lives With A Simple Yet Generous Act Of Donating Blood. A Single Donation Can Save Up To Three Lives And To Ensure We Effectively Contribute To The Greater Good, 80-100 Participants From Prodot Donated Blood In A Mass Blood Donation Camp In Collaboration With A Premium Organization .

Distributing Warmth

Children From A Government School In Haryana Longed For Warm Sweaters And Shoes To Prevent Them From The Chills Of Winter. Prodot Distributed The Necessary Heavy Winter Sweaters And Shoes For Their Bare Feet And Made Sure Their Tender Spirits Stand Strong And Devoted To Learning.

Changing The Course Of Lives By Learning Computer Skills

In Honour Of Lt. Shri Nd Rajpal , Prodot Transformed An Already Existing Computer Learning Institute Utilizing Its Own Products In The Property For Children Coming From Underprivileged Sections Of The Society. This Small Act Gives Wings To Soar Through New Heights Of Success, Encouraging Children From Various Backgrounds To Learn And Imbibe Computer Skills In Their Everyday Life.

Alongside Railway Tracks

The Area In Wazirpur Had A Railway Track Alongside With The Most Filthiest And Unhygienic Condition. This Came Under Our Observation And Prodot Resolved To Clean And Transform The Area Into A Useful Parking Space And Also Educate The People In Order To Protect The Area From Turning Into Trash Again.

Holi Mela With Aparajita

Holi Adds Significant Value To Our Lives By Adding The Warmth And Grandeur Of Different Colours. Aparajita, An Ngo Whose Prime Printing Partner Is Prodot Joins Prodot At Organizing The ‘holi Mela’ Celebration To Add Hues Of Love And Colours To Several Lives Around.

Free Of Cost Refilling Training

Refilling Of All Sorts For Cartridges Are Extremely Helpful To Contribute Towards The Bigger Picture Of Sustainability. Prodot Allows Individuals To Learn The Process Of Refilling And How Crucial Refilling Can Be In Everyday Life, Also Opening Up New Income Opportunities For The Trainees.

Just Kabaddi League

Prodot Proudly Sponsored The Talented And Agile Up Dhurandhar Team For Their Tenacious Game At The Jkl. Prodot Wilfully Supports And Uplifts Focused Powerhouses Of Talents And Helps Them Make Unfathomable Progress.


Prodot worked upon an abandoned land in Delhi, planted it with the most beautiful little 100-150 saplings to give our input for environmental upliftment and creating a greener atmosphere around.


Save Lives, Enhance Lives with a simple yet generous act of donating blood. A single donation can save up to three lives and to ensure we effectively contribute to the greater good, 80-100 participants from Prodot donated blood in a mass blood donation camp in collaboration with a premium organization .

Distributing Warmth

Children from a government school in Haryana longed for warm sweaters and shoes to prevent them from the chills of winter. Prodot distributed the necessary heavy winter sweaters and shoes for their bare feet and made sure their tender spirits stand strong and devoted to learning.

Changing the course of lives by Learning Computer Skills

In honour of Lt. Shri ND Rajpal , Prodot transformed an already existing computer learning institute utilizing its own products in the property for children coming from underprivileged sections of the society. This small act gives wings to soar through new heights of success, encouraging children from various backgrounds to learn and imbibe computer skills in their everyday life.

Alongside Railway Tracks

The area in wazirpur had a railway track alongside with the most filthiest and unhygienic condition. This came under our observation and Prodot resolved to clean and transform the area into a useful parking space and also educate the people in order to protect the area from turning into trash again.

Holi Mela with Aparajita

Holi adds significant value to our lives by adding the warmth and grandeur of different colours. Aparajita, an NGO whose prime printing partner is Prodot joins Prodot at organizing the ‘Holi Mela’ celebration to add hues of love and colours to several lives around.

Free of Cost Refilling Training

Refilling of all sorts for cartridges are extremely helpful to contribute towards the bigger picture of sustainability. Prodot allows individuals to learn the process of refilling and how crucial refilling can be in everyday life, also opening up new income opportunities for the trainees.

Just Kabaddi League

Prodot proudly sponsored the talented and agile UP Dhurandhar Team for their tenacious game at the JKL. Prodot wilfully supports and uplifts focused powerhouses of talents and helps them make unfathomable progress.