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Initiative To Better Lives #Yaidiwalialagnirali

A strong sentiment of helping local shops and supporting them is also seen across India during this pandemic as they were hit the hardest. Many people have lost their jobs, businesses have shut down and a lot of households are struggling for basic amenities. Being vocal for local has also become the new motto and governments and locals are trying to follow it and strengthen India.  Swayed by this positive wave across the country, ProDot tried to better someone’s life this Diwali by doing its bit. 

ProDot Group and its team made a successful effort towards lending a helping hand to the needy through the campaign “YaiDiwaliAlagNirali”. In this campaign participants shared their take on how they made this Diwali better for someone else. Through short videos, participants shared their views on what different good deeds they did during the festive season, this pandemic.

The objective of the campaign was to spread positivity in this festive season and do something to better someone’s life.  Small efforts like shopping from local stores than online platforms, bargain less or no bargain from street vendors and tipping delivery boy were featured on all social media platforms. All these good deed reached about 25,000 people and gained popularity successfully during this Diwali. 

A good deed is said to go a long way. Small efforts help in paving a big way for the future of the people and the country.  One may follow these campaigns on ProDot’s social media platforms like -
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Share us what you have done this Diwali in the comment section.